Frequently Asked
The most frequently asked question is "how long is your wait list"? You can check that out yourself by clicking the button below.
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Second most popular question is "how do I get on your wait list?"
FAQs Related to the Wait List
Does the published Wait List include everyone waiting for a puppy?
Since I have so many people that have placed deposits and are not yet ready to take home a puppy, I have decided to only publish the people that are "Active and Ready". Anyone that has completed an application, but has not placed their $25 deposit will not appear on this list after ten days from email notification of application receipt.
Am I guaranteed to get a puppy once I completed the application?
The breeder reserves the right to refuse sale for any reason throughout the process. This has only happened one time in all my years and I hope it never happens again.
Can I update the information I put on my puppy Application?
I periodically send out a survey using your current email address to ascertain your readiness and what you are looking for (I know people change their minds frequently). It is important to note that if you are flexible in color, coat, or sex, it is best to include this information in the survey and/or application as I use this information to begin schedule. Failure to respond to the survey in the specified timeframe (usually 5-7 days) may result in you being removed from the active wait list unless otherwise stated in the survey email or survey itself. If you ever wish to update any information please send an email to lizd@mydoxieheaven.com.
Why did my family number change?
The family numbers were reset on 1-1-2024 (as I do each year). These family numbers will remain the same for the entire time you are on the wait list. As people select their puppy or ask to be removed, they will be removed from the list, thus the jumping of numbers. Also, another reason for skipped Family Numbers is that some people have deposits, but are not yet ready for a puppy.
Are there any other deposits required during this process?
Once a particular puppy is produced and you select that puppy you will be required to pay an additional $375 to hold the puppy until he/she is old enough to leave me and their mom.
Why isn't my name on the active list?
If your name is not appearing on the Active Wait List it more than likely means you are on the "Prefers to Wait List". Please contact me via email at lizd@mydoxieheaven.com and let me know.
I'm now ready for a puppy and I'm on the Prefer to Wait List, how do I get to the "Active List"?
People on the "Prefer to Wait" list (Not displayed below) must notify me when they are ready to move to the active list. They will go into the active list in the spot that they left from (in order of Family Number).
How does the wait list work (or how is it worked)?
I will begin at the top of the list to make contact with those that are in fact ready and those that I have puppies available that meet their specific criteria (sex, color, and coat). I move down the list in order to ascertain if you are interested in meeting the puppies that I have available. If you are not interested at that time, you remain on the list and I move down to the next person meeting the criteria. I do not allow people to select puppies until the puppies are at least 4 weeks of age, when they have some personality and can interact with you. This process takes time and patience, but it is well worth the wait when you finally get to take home your new addition.
Do you require a Sales Agreement?
All puppies are sold with a Sales Agreement which ensures my puppies are taken care of, receive proper care, do not end up in a rescue/SPCA environment, and are not bred without proper authority. You can click the link to walk through the sales agreement to review its components, however, please do not submit the Sales Agreement until you have actually selected a puppy. This sales agreement includes information on my food and supplement requirements which I am not willing to compromise on. So, if you do not agree to follow this regimen, I am not the breeder for you, and please go find one that is willing to compromise their puppies' health with a lesser nutritional plan. I've spent many years researching pet nutrition and getting certified in the same so I can provide the best for my dogs and educate my new puppy families in this area as well. It was an area I struggled in for many years because it is so confusing and many pet food manufacturers do misleading advertising to only add to that confusion.
How much does it cost to get on your waitlist?
Because my litters have consistently sold out before even being born for the last five years, I am accepting $25 non-refundable deposit to be placed on the deposit list.
How do I get on your waitlist?
You can complete the puppy application by clicking the link above.
Do you refund deposits if I change my mind?
All deposits are non-refundable unless there is a health reason with one of the puppies prior to puppy pick-up in which the new buyer elects to not take the puppy.